FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Adobe Photoshop pic tester website!!!
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Old 03-04-2011, 01:58 PM   #31
I get the factt hat some people using Photoshop dont have integrity, i was scammed into buying dragons, however, the image WASNT photoshopped, she had simply placed the baby dragons under a blacklight to "pull" their colors, so photoshop really isnt something to be worrying about as far as resizing images, watermarks and putting on info, however i do agree it is hard to tell if an image was photo enhanced, but ask for more pics if you are interested in something that looks like it could be photoshopped. i didnt even think about it when ib ought my batch of dragons, It was my first sale and it went way wrong! still has yet to be resolved! I know Slay and personalyl I'd buy from him, but I know if i asked him he would tell me exactly what was done with the photos. Maybe we just simply arent asking the right questions when buying online? I perosnally dont photoshop my images, I take pics on my Iphone 3GS, yeah sometimes the pics turn out shadowed, or not like i had hoped, but I'm to new to the business to be using tactics on my sales, plus imagine what you would have to tell a customer if you were to say "yeah i used photoshop on the pics" but didnt say exactly HOW you used it, then yeah, you might be a bad seller. I always use the BOI to tell if i want to deal with someone or not though. It's to easy.