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Thread: Fat People
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Old 04-29-2004, 12:38 PM   #7
Reptile Locators
Obesity some causes!

Their are many causes for "Obesity"

1) Uncontrolable thyroid gland
which it not always controlable with med's.

2) Deperssion. can cause it,the med's used to treat it as well can cause weight gain.

3) Diabetics can have uncontroled weight gain, even being responcable with all health care to their self.

4) Pear Pressure from children / adults constantly picking at you in school,or the work place just be cause they are judgmental moraless or valueless or holeyer than thou, which can bring on the onset of turning to food or causing depression, Cause. case and point this one can leads to Obesity and in some cases Suicide! you Know the "words of hate" fat girl/boy ugly girl /boy you smell,you stink,your a slob, which are some of the more mileder used words. usualy the people making these remarks are not happy in their own life.

Their are many more reason for Obesity than i know of, but i can tell you i have personaly delt with the loss of my father due to Obesity, He was no SLOB! i grew up with being aroud the public gaucking crud and hatefull remarks and even being beat up by kids because my fathers Obesity just be cause of the common attitude and mentality of crule people. My father died from it because of a thyroid problem that led to other health problems at a young age of 49 yrs of age, even though being treated by doctors for this condition.
I my self do not consider me to be the perfict weight and am most lilkly 40 -50 lbs over what i should be,althoe at the age of 20, I was only 140 lbs soakin wet. but as years and age would have it that is no longer the case
Passing judgement on a person because they offend you with their weight,looks or handicap just showes a lack of moral values and consideration for others not knowing if their problem is medical or other wise

so someone who feel's Obesity is disgusting and dont want to see it should step back and ask them selves this question what if it were my father, mother, brother,sister, Child or even your self would you call them a slob and be offended or try to understand and be concerned and try to help them as much as possible to change what the cause might be think about it talk about it but dont condem a person it till you know the facts.
someone you love may have this kind of problem and who knows they my be here for the next 20 yrs or gone tomorrow you never know.

This is only my opinion and i hope it would be taken to heart for the next time someone who sees obesity and shearly concludes
that they are just slobs