FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - NEW LIZARD MOM...HOW AM I DOING SO FAR? HELP PLEASE?
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Old 03-10-2011, 12:43 PM   #35
Ugh that sounds horrible! poor lil thing...

The only thing that sounds similiar w/Ziggy, is he is definitely thin (was to begin with though) Prefers to stay still, but I KNOW he can definitely move when he wants. Squiggles all over when we force feed, and will still crawl up to my head when I have him out on my arm at my desk etc...Loves to sit on my head for however long will let him. I soak him every day per the vet and he will often dunk his head and drink a lot, then leaps about 5-6 inches up to the branch overhead. No sunken eyes, will close them when needed or I dangle worms to close to his face.. and has never thrown up. Just is on a freakin hunger strike! Very few poops, but the last one was very normal looking and brought to the vet and she found the three types of worms, all of them treatable w/the panacur...next dose is this Monday so....I haven't lost hope, but am still worried a lot.

Again I'm very sorry you had to watch that with your girl. Especially after trying so very hard. They are cool little suckers, I can see why you might try it again...Can't say I wouldn't. They are so sweet...