FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Armadillo lizard with eye problem.
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Old 03-30-2011, 02:10 AM   #8
I'm not sure what it is or whether or not a nutritional deficiency caused it, but it will support natural recovery without harsh medications. Also the other lizard not getting it doesn't really mean anything, but if this is an infection (bacterial) the he is far more likely to come down with the same thing. The eye infection could be a secondary cause of a suppressed immune system from another cause. Vitamin A is often associated with eye problems.

I strongly recommend this http://www.reptaid.com/, and to administer this whenever you suspect there is any problem with any reptile (follow the given directions), that way you can address the problem quickly and avoid the stress of a vet for this lizard and any others in the future. Accompany this with enhanced nutrition, stress reduction as much as possible and warmer temperatures. It's a 'natural antibiotic' consisting of herbs that will help to induce appetite, fight infections, parasites, and improve overall health. In the fridge it will last up to a year. It will have a guide for the right dose based on the weight of your reptile.

For your lizards current condition now, it's going to be pretty difficult now that he's not eating. He really needs to eat, and he's probably not drinking either and is dehydrated. If you've exhausted other options, such as putting food mixture on his mouth so he can lick it off;
do you think it would be possible to force feed if you had someone help you hold him while the other gently pries his mouth open? Don't do anything that doesn't 'feel' right or might hurt him. I would order this http://www.petsmart.com/product/inde...ductId=2753955, mix that according to the instructions and mix that with the reptaid dose if you have it. You would probably have to use a needle syringe; I would try this very slowly, by holding the head, lowering the bottom jaw and placing it in the mouth, taking care not to put it in too far or inject it down the throat. It would be better, if it is at all possible to get an insect in there, to inject an insect with this mixture (I believe reptiad comes with a needle). Unfortunately this will stress the animal out but eating is the best chance of recovery. At the very least, a high protein baby food with a mixture of greens and fruits with water or pedialyte needs to be administered orally. You need to get creative to try and fine the best way to feed him. There is a small chance that his appetite will come back if you only treat the eye. As of now he's experiencing stress from his condition and needs as much strength as he can get.