FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy hboyles66(Hank Boyles & Melissa Bayles) Ripoff
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Old 04-17-2011, 12:28 AM   #4
Yes the weather has been a little crasy for me to feel fully comfortable to ship. I have a friend helping me ship and after a little talking you are 100% caorrect that FED X is who I would have to use to ship. I have to use SYR.com to create the shipment. I did contact him about shipping but I got no response so it made me choose not to ship until I got a reply. The reply I recieved was fom paypal that he opened a dispute and a PM that I was a theif and I messed with the wrong guy. I took a day to responsed but I do have a job and his lack of response is why shipment was not done. There should be a little respect of me being up front aboput shipping and that I am a little picky shipping if the nights are a litle cold. I don't ship much so I may be a little more careful than others.