FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Reptilesncritters.com - Thieves
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Old 06-01-2011, 05:58 PM   #56
Originally Posted by John White View Post
If you are truly taking responsibility for the content on your website you would delete all the photos not taken by yourself or employees. You may also want to double check the scientific names used on your site as many are either completely wrong and/or misspelled.
I appreciate your suggestion to take down every photo that I cannot personally verify, but it's not a tenable option at this time. All I can say is that I am working on changing the way we acquire images in the future. We will continue to replace and change our images when permission based images can be found or are provided by my various suppliers. It's often very difficult to obtain images in the first place. Regarding the misspelling of many of the scientific names, I agree that work needs to be done regarding accuracy. Most of these scientific name inaccuracies have been provided to me by my suppliers who may also be unwittingly passing incorrectly spelled scientific names to me. As you know, a website is never finished and work always needs to be done to make it better to keep all of my customers satisfied.