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Thread: water dragon
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Old 06-01-2011, 06:00 PM   #5
Originally Posted by Focal X View Post
I would put another water dragon or maybe a basilisk if they are compatible.
Another water dragon? Maybe if its the opposite sex and the enclosure is large enough. These 36"+ lizards need a lot of space. I wouldn't attempt it in a 29-gal or anything.

The basilisk? Absolutely not. Basilisks are very easily stressed and while they probably wouldn't directly attempt to harm each other, the larger water dragon may bully the basilisk for the better perches and basking spots. It would be a darn shame for such a sensitive and beautiful species as the basilisk to suffer as second fiddle to a water dragon.

REPTILES ARE NOT FISH! Mixing different species of herps together rarely results in the best well-being of either animal. Things to consider are: parasite & disease transmission, who's getting enough food, who's getting enough hiding shelters and access to basking light, etc, no one's getting bullied. And sometimes species you would not expect be end up chomping down on a cagemate. I once knew a local petstore that kept uromastyx and bearded dragons together. Seemed okay, right? One day, the male Uro went beserk and attacked all the beardies, biting all their tails off. I could cite numerous other examples from personal experience.

If you want to throw different species together in one cage, get an aquarium.