FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - You know your a Gecko lover when......
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Old 05-19-2004, 01:20 PM   #1
Wink You know your a Gecko lover when......

You know your a Gecko lover when......
Your at the beach and you look down at the sand with distain.

You know your a Gecko lover when......
you say to your kids "you don't have to eat all your potatoes "thinking" my crickets need some more gut loading.

You know your a Gecko lover when......
your making love to your spouse and your thinking....hmmmm I wonder if our offspring will be het for blue eyes?

You know your a Gecko lover when......
your spouse asks you "where are all the tupperware containers? ....and you just shrug your shoulders and give them that deer in the headlights look.

You know your a Gecko lover when......
Your eating dinner at the table with your family and you almost knock the whole table over trying to get that cricket you just saw running across the floor.

You know your a Gecko lover when......
Your spouse gets home from work and says did you make dinner? And you just drop the mealie worm container behind the cage and give them that "blank" stare.

You know your a Gecko lover when......
You plan your once a year vacation around San Francisco, and your not planning to see any of the "normal" sites
your just thinking......"now where does marcia live?"...hmmmmmm......

You know your a Gecko lover when......
when you suddenly look up at the clock and "think" ......Dam, I gotta get off this fauna!!!

please feel free to add!