FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Enough is enough with the classifieds (*or* Why you cannot reply to classified ads)
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Old 06-05-2011, 10:17 AM   #31
I say locking it down to only paid members is a good start, but total lock down may be an even better solution in the end.

I know of some people who do very well in the classifieds, I have never really had what I would call overwhelming success, however I have personally stopped advertising in the classifieds because of the following issue:

1. Buyers either cant or choose not to read the entire content of the ad before they post, so you spend the majority of your time answering questions that have already been stated in the ad, which is a complete waste of time, AND if you happen to reply to said buyer stating any of the above, that is when the games, and badgering, and disruptive posts seem to happen.

Examples: How many people have placed ads that clearly state "no trades at this time, no shipping at this time" to only have the first post be "interested in any trades?, how much shipped to xxxxx".

So although I am not a paid member at this time, I think that locking it out to only members as a trial to start is a good idea. If a seller really wants to move their animals they will list all of the pertinent contact info so that I can email or call them.

I also agree that we are not infants here, and people should be held accountable for their actions, and if they cant follow the rules then dont play the game.