FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Enough is enough with the classifieds (*or* Why you cannot reply to classified ads)
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Old 06-06-2011, 07:50 AM   #42
Southern Wolf
Originally Posted by hhmoore View Post
Bigger pieces of the problem are the people that jump into someone's ad directing viewers to another seller (or trying to sell their own stuff), the sarcastic comments about pricing, the chatter between other members which is unrelated to the sale (we have discussion forums, chat, and PMs for that), and the piling on that occurs in any number of circumstances. (there are other issues, but I'm trying not to belabor the points and drag this out)
so issue infractions for those type of people. Why restrict those of us that try and play by the rules. I get the feeling that Rich is looking for a low count infraction log... but with a site this big and with the rules in place here... you're gonna have to expect a high count infraction log.

This decision is in response to a clear, and growing, problem. In a recent moderator discussion, every one of us acknowledged the beneficial reasons for allowing posted responses, regardless of our personal preferences. The choice not to pull the plug on responses entirely is because we consider those reasons not only valid, but compelling.
You might as well pull the plug. This is only slightly different from the 'pay to play' aspect this site had in years past. Guess what... when Rich did that this place took a nose dive.