FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Handoff Renee Stastka libel
Thread: Bad Guy Handoff Renee Stastka libel
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Old 06-21-2011, 02:36 AM   #37
I would hope that my sister, or anyone else, would not post someones personal information, copy of a check or emails on the internet.
However after reading all of these nasty threads, I sure wish it was me that had that check and phone number etc!
I can totally understand everyone being upset, but it's kinda funny that this person Candace has the same exact phone number AND email as the person who wrote the check, Kira! But claims that she isn't the same person!
My sister doesn't need to make up anything, she has enough to deal with just having a severe miscarriage, and raising my 13 year old DISABLED nephew!!!
Trust me, life is way too short for this kind of game. She is simply trying to warn other people so they don't get ripped off.
As she wrote already, she put it out there, people can take it for what it's worth.
I am the one that begged her to stay off of this site and stop any further conversing with this Candace person. Let the law take whatever measures they need to.
My favorite word........KARMA!