FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - 7'-6" Rattler bites man in Morganton
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Old 06-03-2004, 12:11 AM   #9
as far as species goes ...

Im not " upto snuff" on rattlers i will be getting a copy of the pictures sometime thursday and will post them here .All i know is it was a BEAUTIFUL snake.

Tanith ,

Iagree that the snake shouldnt have been killed , as i stated i would have been more then happy to have removed the snake from there property and relocated it around my area i live in a rather safe area for it to be relocated to as i live between the lake here and river and its all state parkland and no building will be done here for atleast 10 years.As i stated i havent kept any hots in 10 yrs but i do have the proper tools to safely remove them from harms way .I might look like the "tin Man" doing it lol as i have to be VERY careful cause a bite from anyofthem would probably be fatal since i am allergic to antivenom depending on the bite and or snake.So i have these reallll fashionable leg cuffs i wear when i know im going into "snake territory" or areas that may conceal the crafty lil weed layers . (stove pipe) i wear over my boots ... you laugh but it WORKS . im sure once the pics get posted you all to will have your heart drop cause minse sure did when i saw ( her)