FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - 7'-6" Rattler bites man in Morganton
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Old 06-03-2004, 04:35 PM   #18
Re: whoa whoa whoaaaa horse !!

Originally posted by JungleHabitats

I understand that you said the snake in question isnt "normaly" aggresive towards things .But from what i was told he was bitten w/o provocation while simply standing in front of the rasied building this would lead me to beleive that the snake was poised under the edge of the building and felt threatened when he saw two legs staring him in the eyes .
I would expect that there was some kind of forward movement on his part that frightened the snake and triggered a defensive strike. I regularly sit or stand at *very* close quarters with wild venomous snakes, and they are really not likely to move forward outside of their strike range to bite.

Also yes its bad the snake died and i honeslty cant say giving the same situation that if a loved one or good friend was bitten that with a snake that size and capablities i would or someone else wouldnt do the same thing.
It's never the snake's fault, and it's just not meaningful to "get revenge" on a wild animal for simply defending itself. If a snake caused me to lose a limb or my life, my loved ones know very well that I would want the snake to be protected from any consequences of my own lack of skill or foresight.

Yes, I do have very strong feelings about this subject, and believe it or not I'm actually trying to be restrained and civil.