FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - 7'-6" Rattler bites man in Morganton
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Old 06-03-2004, 04:53 PM   #19
Tanith ..

All i am trying to say is basically this .
Why i respect that you have alot greater knowledge then i do with venomous snakes that is fantastic but when it boils down to it NOTHING be it wild or domesticated can be predicted .. do you agree on this ?
Here is a example . Just today a kid was attacked somewhere near here by the lifelong PET dog that he had grew up around .
Now to look at this with some sort of reasoning yes we can say well "maybe he did this or Maybe he did that but when it comes to any animal / human trying to predict what they do is like taking a bullet sticking in the chamber and spinning it and pulling the trigger with it placed at your temple . maybe it wont go off but then again MAYBE it will
With a wild animal i have to think that maybe it wont bite you but then again MAYBE it will and do it unprovoked .Studies have shown that people who have been around a animal since its birth ( sigffreid & roy ) out of know where look what happened to him i know there will be comments made that none of this is realevent to the situation and im not trying to make the killing of anything justified.But when it comes down to apples & oranges you cant compare the two and make anything rational of it . its a shame this thread has taken the normal BOI turn for the worse over something as serios as a innocent person being bittin by a deadily snake . but you are right the snake was there first . Untill i have more information on the subject of this thread i wont add anymore to it .
Have a good day