FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Heather Colwell / Majestic Morphs
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Old 09-30-2011, 12:16 AM   #31
That's good to hear he is improving! It's hard to say whether a vet would be helpful or harmful in this case, since he is getting better with rest.

Honestly, my best guess is the snake had some underlying neurological problem that the stress of shipping (and whatever caused that gash) uncovered. Perhaps similar to how spiders wobble? I don't know, I'm not into the ball pythons. I did have 5 kenyan sand boas that had a congenital issue (reportedly caused by their mom not having access to proper temps while gravid) where they would loop around and generally behave in a bizarre fashion, especially when stressed. They mostly grew out of it, but the first day I brought them home they looked terrible! Lying on their backs and things like that!

However, I bought those snakes with full disclosure and the three worst were thrown in free. IMHO she should give some kind of recompense for the snake, although it's hard to say what since she (and most people) don't exactly spell out what her guarantee is good for. I know what I would do but it doesn't seem to be industry standard to 100% refund an unhealthy animal and consider it lucky someone wanted to give it a good home instead of returning it for me to try to deal with the care and vet bills :P