FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - crocodile skinks -point to remember
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Old 10-01-2011, 08:56 PM   #4
I found this thread entirely by chance, but since I have bred Tribolonotus gracilis repeatedly, I thought I would offer some insight....

First of all, T. gracilis eggs are not at all demanding in terms of temperatures. I have hatched them without the incubation temperature rising above 72F. I have hatched them on moistened perlite, as well as in the original nesting container, which contained damp sphagnum moss. I have also had them hatch after experiencing high temps in the upper 80s.

I keep adult pairs in 28qt plastic boxes with a large, low water bowl, a food bowl, a shoebox of damp sphagnum, a piece of cork bark, and paper substrate.

The basking temperature in the rack is 82F max, and winter nights drop into the low 60s. Females typically lay 4 eggs/year for me.

I have found that hatchlings do best when kept with the adult pair. In my experience, they stay in the nesting box even if the adults leave. I released several isopods into the nestboxes, and witnessed hatchlings eating small isopods on many occasions. The shoebox also has a constant supply of condensation, which adults and hatchlings will drink.

Parental care has not been obvious to me, except that the adults don't cannibalize their young, or other neonates introduced to the group.

This is just my personal experience. Others may have observed different results.