FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What Are Some Tips I Can Get On Working With Cobras?
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Old 10-07-2011, 09:35 AM   #5
A) - Tony didn't write that. The author was clearly listed as Scott Bice.
B) - In case you didn't get the point, people that have been keeping snakes need to RElearn things, as they generally have bad habits that could be dangerous with hots.
C) - The fact that you have had hots before doesn't mean you do things "properly", or to the satisfaction of your mentor. I wouldn't just let somebody jump in with hots, even if they claimed to have more cumulative experience than I have. Doesn't matter whether you think of it as an issue of morality, conscience, or liability; when serving as a mentor for someone interested in keeping hots, there is a lot at stake.
D) - The requirement in FL is, what, 1000 hrs? That's a lot of time....think how it would be to have to spend it with someone that approaches it with the attitude you're showing us here. I know it can be a frustrating process, and you want to "get to the good stuff"...but, did you ever ask if there is a reason you aren't progressing?

Obviously, having not witnessed any of your experiences, I cannot speak to your abilities and skills, OR the methods employed by your chosen mentors...but, it comes down to one simple truth: you need the time to get your license, so you can either 1) suck it up and deal with the process with your mentor, 2) find somebody else that takes an approach you like better, or 3) scrap the idea.