FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - I am so sick of low-ballers!!!!
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Old 10-07-2011, 03:43 PM   #27
I don't feel there's anything wrong in making or getting a lower offer on an animal. Even if it's crazy low(and I've gotten some CRAZY offers on high end snakes before), it's easy for me to politely decline with a "I'm sorry but I can't accept that offer, thank you." If it's not "crazy low" then I'll often counter offer with a slightly lowered price off my asking price. Haggling is never offensive to me and I don't know that I've sold more than half a dozen animals at the actual asking price.

The part that will drive me batty is when I get an offer that's really low, decline it and they come back with insults of "I can get a NICER snake elsewhere for way less than yours!" and such. Really? Well then you'd better hope they still have it, because you're DEFINITELY not buying mine now. Don't go making demands that I meet your offer on my animal.

I have a over-priced cinny female right now on another website. Technically she's for sale, but I want to hold her back so I stuck a high price on her. I'll probably take her off the market entirely since I really don't want to sell her. HER price has the word "FIRM" on it with a note that I would prefer to just hold her back. If someone appreciates her as much as I do and is willing to put out the extra funds to buy her, I'll sniffle and let her go. But it takes $XXX to make me happy to let her go. That's how pricing works. You have to give me an amount that makes me happy to exchange my animal for your cash. Some animals are worth more to me than they would be worth to a buyer. Those don't sell.

Haggling = okay. Low-balling = mildly irksome but fine. Rude insults because I won't accept a low-ball offer = annoyed Wolfy.