FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - venomous dealers out of control
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Old 06-10-2004, 12:31 AM   #3
Hopefully the dealers have enough experience/knowledge on the subject to be able to pick up on the person who knows nothing about them. In a 2 minute conversation most knowledgable people can pick up on the experience level on the other end of the phone/computer. If not then they shouldn't be dealing the snakes to begin with.
I know in my own mind that this individual was tremendously inexperienced....it was apparent just because of the questions that he was asking. If you have to ask that question then No you shouldn't own those kinds of snakes!
You are right about one thing Tanith, we have a serious problem in this community and it needs to stop. I had a guy 4-5 months ago tell a dealer that he was a good friend and student of mine ( which he was not ) and convinced the dealer to sell an angusticeps and a Bitis arietans to him. Being that I met him once and he wanted advice on how to clear up a RI on a Burmese Python, then proceed to tell me that he just bought two Kaouthia.....if you don't know how to avoid an RI then you need not own cobras. Fortunately the dealer valued my buisness more than the lone individual and cancelled the shipment.
So yes! There is a major problem in this community.... No question or other explanation!