FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - venomous dealers out of control
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Old 06-10-2004, 03:02 PM   #7
It is a shame that in this world we have “Business is Business and Money is Money" as a saying.

That said it is true in all business's that there are bad and good in them all. Not just the reptile trade but all business. Hence the BBB and here the BOI. To help weed out the good from the bad.

Many dangerous things have warning labels from prescription narcotics to alcohol and tobacco. Even on CD's and DVD's we have warning labels. It is the responsibility of the consumer to understand and use good judgment on their part when purchasing items.

Yes there are certainly Bad Guys in the reptile world. There are also many very good ones. Some States have laws on venomous and who may keep them, others have no laws.

Is it the responsibility of the vendor to be certain every person who buys and animal is skilled or knowledgeable enough to own it?

If you answer yes then how are they to be judged suitable for keeping an animal?
Each person has different standards of what they may feel is acceptable husbandry. So is this a way to judge persons abilities? Certainly not.

Can a vendor ask simple question to try and determine the person’s safety factor for owning a species? Certainly.
However given a week of studying a species I am most certain many could pass off as fairly knowledgeable enough to own one to someone else.

It truly comes down to being honest with yourself and knowing what you are ready for. If you even have to ask yourself if you’re ready then YOU ARE NOT.

Who dictates whom may buy large monitors and how should they be gauged?
Who dictates whom may buy large constrictors and how may they be gauged?
Who dictates whom may buy venomous reptiles and how may they be gauged?

Some States have laws governing those questions. Many however do not so who really it to say you may or may not own it accept the person who wants it.

If the dealer is of high morals and character he/ she will certainly not sell any of these to minors or persons he/she feels does not have the mentality or skills to handle these creatures. Provided again the person is honest first with themselves and second to the dealer.

An unscrupulous vendor however will sell to these people without a second thought in doing so.