FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - venomous dealers out of control
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Old 06-10-2004, 06:37 PM   #10
bud mierkey
Thumbs down And as always seamus shows anus!

Seamus.... Seamus. Seamus.

Your so called statement-

"Bud... Bud, Bud, Bud... You're... Well, you're Bud Mierky. You and what passes for your "thoughts" are jokes, always have been always will be. You're not credible, period."

And as always you have shown your high degree intelligence.
How old are you 100?
Things have changed open open your eyes.
This is a world where common sense and responsibility
are but a old tale of the past as you stated.

spell my name right next time.
Take your credibility and stuff it!
I lose no sleep over your opinon bah
I get the job done end of story.
how about you
good day