FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Allowing scammers and thieves to stay on Fauna!
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Old 11-04-2011, 11:47 AM   #48
Originally Posted by Focal X View Post
That's two different beasts Rodney. This is in regards to banning scammers. Even if tomorrow, the world changes and every scammer is banned from fauna, I don't think the prices would change ... if anything, I think they would probably drop.

There is this little medium where people try to balance out price and who they trust enough to purchase from. Besides those truly concerned about quality, most people would pick the cheapest person if everyone was equally trustworthy, thus dropping the prices quicker. I will honestly pay a trusted good guy MORE money than someone that could be a scammer. Without scammers in the picture, I'd go with the cheaper good guy with the same quality animal most of the time and the guy that wanted more would probably drop.
im sorry but that is idiotic to think that scamming actually helps stabilize prices. so your telling em because of scammers you out of the good guys you have to choose from you go with the one with the higher prices because you must admit that there is more than only one good guy selling the same kinda animals. and if that is the logic you subscribe to good for the people getting your money. stupidity should be expensive. let me ask this too if a person is offering the same quality animals at higher prices isnt that kind of a scam in its self. are you not being scammed for paying more for the same product when the quality is the same.