FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Johathon at Breeders Circle saying his Citrus Pastel WO makes our Power House WO
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Old 11-06-2011, 09:15 AM   #30
Ohhhh, look what happens when people don't keep acceptable (to the minority) RECORDS (Lineage) We are reduced to depending on words and pictures.

Obviously, imo, some seem not to understand the importance of GENETICS and getting what you pay for. Just because no one has complained, yet, does not mean anything. Hatchlings take years to develop to maturity to be "proved" out...then if nothing is produced, it can be chalked to "bad luck."

I would be interested in more evidence of how the White Out gene reproduces itself in different morphs (wish someone had started on a NORMAL.)

Boy (to the OP) the things one does to screw up themselves!! Harald pointed out a reason that would affect how your post is taken...sigh.