FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - is usark over stepping its rights by proposing rules for states without asking us
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Old 11-18-2011, 04:20 PM   #108
Originally Posted by rodneynboalich View Post
i and they can do all of this only on suspicion of a violation
That's a tabloid lie; it's not really true but is flavored with truth enough to get a rise, which is what you have been trying to do. From the very beginning you have told us the sky is falling, I encourage you to walk outside and see that is not the case.

A behavior must rise to probable cause, a higher standard than mere suspicion, before action is taken. So your tabloid lie is, well, a lie. And a deliberate one, meant to scare and stampede.

AGAIN, you are running with sensational charges without including what has been repeated to you over and over and over, that these are proposals only, and only meant to prevent an absolute ban.

AGAIN, this argument is not the grail for you, a readback of several pages of posts on this site shows that you sensationalize almost everything. Coming here with cheap drama seems to be your daily entertainment.