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Old 06-14-2004, 08:24 AM   #3
Numbers 1 through 5 are good for me although i've found that any sort of water activity (bath, shower, swimming, water fight) can usually result in other activities LOL.

I also like curling up by a fire at night or when you first start holding hands, that usually gets my heart going good hehe. Those innocent encounters also prove exciting. Brushing up against someone in a crowded room, two people bending to pick something up and touch hands, or lose their balance and come face to face hehe.

I met someone yesterday and i was all smiles for the rest of the day. Ya know what it was that did it??? His smile. Locking eyes and sharing a smile. I just melted. Now knowing my luck he's unavailable LOL.

Oh i almost forgot.......a persons voice. Having someone read or sing to me that has an attractive voice.
