FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Spectacular Radio Show on Keeper's Rights & Fights
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Old 11-19-2011, 02:13 PM   #9
If you take a look back on the roster of guests we've had over the years...I think you'll agree they are the TOP names, there are also many names that were unheard of and some I'd like to forget. Overall, I think I can easily say that none of our shows are boring. There's a reason for that, we like to hear everyone out and offer varying perspectives with no agenda.

Last night's guests offered us unexpected and welcome insights that many of us welcome not having. But they are important none the less. Tom Crutchfield has watched this industry evolve, you say he fathered it. Terry Wilkins has seen the legislative side from all angles both as someone working for the government and someone working against it. These gentlemen offered incredible and sometimes opposing insight but overall they came to the same conclusion. We need to do something NOW, and we need to do something TOGETHER. If I ruled out criminal pasts we would have missed out on both these gentlmen's moving testimonies and so I have no regrets in choosing my guests for the show regardless of their backgrounds.

At a time when our hobby is dying, I need to put as much information our there to arm you with. I try to provide facts and first hands accounts and you then arm yourself to go to war. Choose whatever beliefs you have but just choose something.

And if you agree with anyone we have or have any other information to offer you are always welcome to leave a message on our voicemail at 847-UJR-ROX5

We like to hear everyone out, then weed out all the crazy people.

**And if I excluded bad reptile tatoos Rich, the show wouldn't have a host and a good portion of it's top guests.
I was 17 ok?