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Old 11-19-2011, 07:59 PM   #18
the most important thing to take away from last nights show is there is another way of fighting this fight. you can attack terry all you want but he as proved time and time again that you can beat these bans and we dont just have to roll over and die.

all i heard from the first two guest was that the reptile industry is done so give your money to usark and they will try to make it so you can still keep breed and sell some reptiles.

terry showed us that we can fight these bans and win.

and terry has just as much right to stand up and speak his mind and tell the industry what he thinks we should be doing to solve this problem as andrew wyatt dose.

andrew wyatt thinks he has the right to write legislation for other peoples states without asking them. who made him king of our industry. who gave him the right to decide what the rules in other peoples states should be. was there a vote that i missed that gave him these rights.

i asked him to explain why he dosent think he needs to consult with hobbyist before he writes their state legislation and he wouldnt answer me and im one of the people hes supposed to be representing.

andrew wyatts solution to this problem is sell out the venomous big snake and croc keepers by writing restrictions for keeping them

terrys solution is have everyone stand together and fight for everyones rights. i prefer this way.

if you dont think usark is selling out the big snake, venomous and croc people with their bmp's. ask your self this. if these rules are put in place because its whats right for the society and the animals then why not have these bmp's for all reptiles

look at it this why if you read what andrew wyatt wrote for NC you will see there are mishandling rules and violation. if your irresponsible and someone gets hurt you are liable. heres the rule right from usarks page

I Mishandling of reptiles declared public nuisance and criminal
The intentional or negligent exposure of other human beings or the
environment to unsafe contact with reptiles that are venomous, with large
constricting snakes, or with crocodilians being potentially injurious and
detrimental to public health, safety and welfare, and the environment, the
indulgence in and inducement to such exposure is hereby declared to be a
public nuisance and a criminal offense, to be abated and punished as
provided in this Article.

you will notice that this rule only applies to the big snakes crocs and venomous.

tell me its not possible that you could be irresponsible and let a little kid hold a ball python and and the kid gets bit in the eye and losses an eye. thats highly unlikely but it is possible.

now usark is saying we need to police ourselves and these rules are our way of doing that but there only for policing some of us. wouldnt it be fare to have bmp's for all repties since if we need to police ourselves we need to do it as a whole. but you will never see that from usark and ill tell you why

the truth is that these rules crush breeders. there is too much legality surrounding the animals and the industry will shy away from them.

the people funding usark the big contributors are the gecko and ball python breeders. the people that usarks legislation wont affect. i guarantee the second usark proposes across the board bmp's for all reptiles and ball pythons and geckos are now subject to caging requirements and registration and so on the checks to usark from the big breeders will stop.