FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - is usark over stepping its rights by proposing rules for states without asking us
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Old 11-24-2011, 04:24 PM   #161
You have to realize that USARK is one piece in the puzzle. When you start discussing HSUS, PETA, and the rest you must think of all the organizations that support the animal industry. You have USARK of course, PIJAC, NAIA, and others that support animals ownership and the pet industry. Many of these groups work together to accomplish a common goal. Put your money where your mouth is and support them. USARK published its books on their website. Have you seen how little they take in. Do you know what it takes to finance advertising campaigns. If you want to attack HSUS let those with the $$ do it. Humanewatch has done a good job of this. Have you seen their billboards in Time Square? USARK can't do it all. Its a fledgling organization. If they had the financial support they'd be able to do more. If we all threw them a few bucks every month you'd be amazed at what would happen. Rodney you really need to check the facts before you spout off.