FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Line breeding for color!!!
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Old 12-04-2011, 04:53 PM   #2
people don't typically inbreed beardies. Your best bet is to save a female or 2 that look to show the best color, then get an unrelated male to breed with them.

genetics can be unpredictable. Some babies will show a lot of promise when young, then the color fades as they age. Others go the other way and dont really shine until they grow some. This is why a lot of people ask for pictures of the parents before buying babies. It helps to get some idea of whether or not the color will fade. But that isn't 100%. Again, genetics can be quite unpredictable at times. But typically, more colorful parents will have more colorful babies. Also there can be quite a lot of variation in clutches, so you might get a few really colorful, some in the middle, and some quite plain looking. I see you have a very red beardie, so I would find a really red mate. If you put it with a citrus(yellow), you might end up with a bunch of orange looking babies. I'm a fan of red, so I'd try and shoot for that. But thats just me.