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Thread: Inquiry BallBids.com?
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Old 12-07-2011, 05:21 PM   #40
What little I know about the two owners of BallBids...

Avi created the ad banners that are deliberately misleading. It's been pointed out multiple times that starting off your business with a blatant lie is a bad idea. Instead of accepting that and admitting any error on his part or changing the ads, he continues to say it was "just marketing". That's what I KNOW about Avi. What I THINK is that this makes him sound like someone who has no scruples about doing whatever it takes to promote his business and make his money. Regardless of the ethics of the situation, he'll find a way to justify it.

I know a little bit more about Zack. Zack showed up at BP.net last year and got himself into a bit of trouble due to a very short fuse and lack of social skills. Nothing inherently wrong with that. It happens. Not everyone is cut out for online communities. A bad temper doesn't make one a bad guy, even if it is a common symptom of bad-guy-ism.

BUT...after things didn't go his way, Zack broke the rules of the site to start a new account with a new name. We gave him the benefit of the doubt and dealt with it and he continued to be allowed to participate if he wished.

NOW...he comes back to BP.net with yet another account. An account he darned well knows was against our rules for him to create. That account was banned, and he was warned to use his original account and to not create another. But he ignored that warning and posted again from yet another account. Now he is permanently banned from BP.net.

If he can't follow the VERY simple rules of my site, what makes me think he will bother following whatever rules he sets up for his own site.

I wouldn't trust either of these guys as far as I could throw them. Even if they ARE trying to run a legitimate business, the character traits they demonstrate here give NO confidence that they'll actually be able to follow through with reliable customer service. And if customers start getting crappy service, you can BET (a gamble you're sure to win this time) that you'll get nothing but hot-tempered arguments from Zack, and calm collected justifications from Avi.