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Thread: Inquiry BallBids.com?
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Old 12-09-2011, 07:42 AM   #140
Originally Posted by Cat_72 View Post
No one won the auction for the butter on 12/7....it was re-auctioned tonight, 12/8, along with another animal and three "bid packages". The butter went to someone by the name of Kylie Rae, and the pastel to a Mason Hall.

The timer isn't set back "at whim"...if someone bids in the last 15 seconds, another 15 seconds is added to the bidding time. Which is clearly stated (and has been discussed here) in their TOS. Again, just like the other "penny auctions" that I have seen.

And refunds WERE given.

Look, I am still not saying that I support this whole idea...but I hate seeing people get even more worked up than necessary over incorrect information.
Again I would have to agree.
If they are getting a friend to bid for them or are automatically setting back the timer, I don't think the auctions will last. 99% of the time even the "good" scammers (good at what they do) will/do slip up. OR the first time they encounter any sort of problem, they skidaddle. These people will ultimately reveal themselves.

Now if the winner does get the snake (Which they will) and in fact they are not having other's bid for them, or doing anything funny...then it is legit.
In fact, the person who won the auction depending on how many times they bid, COULD have just got a female Butter for just about, oh,.. $7.00 flat.

Considering this is the case for a second, they then receive the snake, put it into qt themselves, (because it should be anyway) and ultimately end up with a nice, healthy snake for...well, pennies on the dollar.
To all the others who joined into the auction and did not win...better luck next time. Everyone knows the rules, it appears they are indeed attempting to fix the issues they have been having, and people took a chance. That is what a gamble is. No guarantee that the whole $27.00 that YOU decide to spend will get you anything.

OR they could do a few legit auctions in the beginning, have things running smoothly, then turn around and start screwing people over

I would just have to believe the first option would be more appealing to everyone. If they indeed just want to make money...running these auctions legit would be the way to do that.

We shall see.

Please excuse my rambling...it is definitely early.