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Thread: Inquiry BallBids.com?
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Old 12-09-2011, 10:55 AM   #152
I don't think anyone has accused them of scamming and not sending animals. I think most are upset by their unscrupulous business practices, i.e. little quarantine, false advertising (which is still being used), and the lies. Asking members to be silent and let it ride kind of defeats the purpose of the BOI IMO.

I am not trying to "argue" with you by any means Nick, I understand each of the points you are making and respect them (as well as many of the other fine people who have posted on this topic). I just think that since we are questioning these folks' honesty, we should make 100% certain that WE are all working with and relaying correct information ourselves, and hold ourselves to the same standard. We could sit here all day and speculate ways that they could possibly be screwing people over, but when some people take that speculation and run with it as fact, that's when the waters get really muddy.
I understand your point Cathy, but speculation is a result when lies are told. I think speculation is what reveals people for what they truly are in the end.