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Old 12-24-2011, 06:19 PM   #11
name change

He says he's been using it longer, but darned if I could find hide nor hair of him when I did a detailed web search before settling on the name myself. All I found was some old KS posts I stumbled across accidentally, and he hadn't been active for a long time before that.

When I approached him not long ago about changing it, I was basically told to go fornicate myself. Another person using the name had no problems changing theirs, and I was happy to send them some stuff to make them feel good about it as well.

But, the name leads back here and to me, even under his spelling.
And, I own the .com's for that spelling of the name.

So how far could he possibly go with it? It just boggles my mind that someone can *know* someone else has established an online rep with a name on several forums, and still go ahead and use it like nothing's wrong. I will step in and disassociate myself with him at every chance I feel I need to, because he's not getting the benefit of my rep if I can help it, and I sure don't want his. If he's hoping I'll drop it, he hasn't done much research on me.

I am a small breeder as stated before. I have been a long time member on another forum. Shadera is aware of this because she sent me a nasty email accusing me of taking her name and trying to use it for her reputation and how ODD it was that all these names keep opping up. I had never heard of her. She said she has had it for how ever many years (5 I believe). If you look at my account I have had it for 1 full year longer than her. I did not tell her to go $%&$ herself. I said I was planning on changing it when I came up with something more unique, but until then I'm keeping it as it is. If she had handled it more tactfully in her original e-mail she sent I would have been a little more tactful in my response but I would still keep MY name. I think it is in poor taste for her to bring this up and handle it the way she has. I have NEVER had an upset customer and strive to produce the best quality animals. My animals and MY reputation are what I care about. Chris Hall