FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - -NEW- Repticon Dallas / Ennis February 18 & 19 2012
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Old 12-28-2011, 08:57 PM   #5
Some concerns....

I find a few things disturbing about this show. Please bear with me.

I am in no way trying to be negative, and I am thinking about the big picture here.

First of all, I do not find that having venomous included in the show is appropriate. I support clearly the right to own venomous, so this is not a stab at that issue. What I do find is that it seems a little lacking on the expo owner’s part, to be advertising this as a “ family “ event, but then, the possibility of some breeder selling a teen some venomous snake that they have no business in owning, goes up. Don’t believe that has happened at any venomous expos? Think again. Then, what about any risk of potential accidents? One accident at a “ family “ expo such as this, and here comes the media and news anchors to reak havoc upon our beloved hobby. Of course, the possibility of ridiculous laws being set forth about keeping exotics will follow. How responsible!

Second, I love how the owners of Repticon are thinking ahead of the health of the vendor’s animals with these issues I am going to mention. From there website, under Vendor Rules:

Wild-Caught Animals - There is no restriction regarding sale of legal, wild-caught animals. Exhibitors are not required to display any particular signage, but are required to disclose any pertinent information to interested guests, including whether a particular animal is wild-caught or captive bred.

Now, for those who may not think at first that it is a big deal about having wild caught animals, think about this. First, vendors who CARE about quality, and care about the health of their animals, reflect their business, as a whole, with these aspects. Since the majority of reptiles in demand is pretty much captive bred, what need is there to promote those who feel the need to remove animals from the wild in order to make a few bucks? What about the fun things wild caughts CAN and DO bring to captivity, such as mites, ticks, etc.? Allowing vendors to vend at these shows, who bring in anything they darn well please, only raises the stakes of someone’s captive collections to be contaminated.

Second, which brings me to another point that is really disturbing, from their website under Vendor Rules:

Guests Bringing Animals - Guests will be allowed to bring up to two animals inside the event. We feel strongly that this interaction will provide guests with an additional opportunity to engage in discussion with exhibitors and will generate excitement among event attendees. Animals brought by guests to the event must be in good health and under their control at all times. Guests may not bring animals into the event for the purpose of selling them at the event, as only show vendors with appropriate permits may sell animals. Any guests who violate these policies will be asked to leave the show.

Now, there may be some interaction, but, at the same time, there will be most likely those who bring in animals who want to sell them right then and there. It is very easy to do so. Is that fair for the vendors who paid for tables? What about the health aspects? Repticon has no control over what exactly is being brought into a show. Animals could be brought in with IBD, mites, ticks, who knows what? Heck, IBD can destroy whole collections, and can be brought in with mites. Repticon allowing people to bring in animals not only threatens the health of vendors’ stock, but sets the stage for people to undercut expo prices by selling animals out of their backpacks.
Is this really a reptile expo, or a “ fun day at the zoo “ for the public?

And it end it all, the final kick in the nuts for the vendor, on the behalf of Repticon, is this jewel of a rule under Vendor rules:

New Vendors -All vendors who have never vended at a Repticon Show are required to pay a $50 non-refundable deposit for their first show, and the balance is then due by 3:00 pm on Saturday. Repticon will not book any new vendor if this $50 deposit is not paid.

Now, why on earth would a new vendor be forced to pay a $50 non-refundable deposit for being a first time vendor at this show, which already demonstrates a disregard to the health and well being of vendor collections, which consist of hours of dedication? They really seem to make vendors WANT to vend at their shows.

Overall, this is not a personal jab at Repticon, but just an observation from someone who takes this hobby seriously, and thinks about all aspects that go into it, and the big picture overall. Because of the unprofessional attitude of this show, I would never set foot in this show, pay to get in, or have anything to do with it. I know of recent surprise and disgust from many breeders as well, regarding the blatant disregard of collection safety and professionalism. Even though a show owner will never have complete control possibly of EVERY animal that comes into a show, they can try to enforce simple rules that correlate with keeping a show healthy, educational, and productive. It is a win-win for everyone, if taken to heart.