FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Blue eye bearded dragons Marek's/herpies
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Old 12-30-2011, 02:52 AM   #5
Originally Posted by Brandon Roesler View Post
I would consider this to be nothing more than an absence of integrity and character, nothing more.. Because he has never seen it, it doesnt exist?? Because someone else possesses something you dont, you are now trying to steal their potential thunder by BLASTING ALL OVER THE NET on here, kingsnake, bd.org and all over Facespace on several peoples pages that this is fake, they are lying or what they have is nothing more than a diseased ridden animal?? I have never ACTUALLY seen air.. does that mean it doesn't exist? I have never seen God.. does that mean He doesn't exist? What about UFO's??? I could go on and on... Blue eyes do exist, they aren't even new news. That pic of the Rankin was like 6 years old... To me Steven, and I know for a FACT that I do not stand alone, your actions regarding this topic is the perfect example of how an hole would try to stay on top.. out front and on top... People ask you if you have any blue eyes for sale, you say No, sure don't, so they buy from the next guy and you get all in your feelings and decide to bombard the net with this half-cocked theory... Thanks for showing me your true character. Let's see if now that I have posted this all of a sudden everyone is told all my stock has Mad-Cow disease or some other random non-related virus.....
If you knew Steve, you'd know he would never do anything like that.