FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - MISTKING OR PRO MIST 50,60,70
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Old 01-01-2012, 04:24 PM   #2

So I decided to go with a Pro Mist 60, It comes with a four year warranty and has metal nozzles so you can clean them if you need to. It also comes protected with Bio shield witch helps prevent bacteria growth in your water system. The guy is really help full and you can't find these unties any where else besides where he sales them, that is because he has them market so far down that he can't sale them to anyone else without it being so much money. You can run up to 60 nozzles on it or if you get the next model up you can run 50. The basic model doesn't come with metal nozzles so you wont be abel to clean them, you just have to buy new ones. You can also purchase bulk Heads like the ones that mistaking gives you, the ones you can purchase are way better they lock in to place where ever you have the nozzle pointed so your chameleon or what ever you have can't move them if they climb around by them. So no more worrying if you have electronic by you cage. If you run RO water you system will do better without having to clean the nozzles as much but what is nice about this one is you can have a set of metal nozzles ready to be changed out, once you change them out then you can clean them and have them ready for next time. You can find them at www.Pro-Products.com