FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - MY SNAKE SPIT UP!!!
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:29 PM   #1

I had snakes all my life of course every now and then one gets sick. Today when my husband came home from work he checked on a pos GRAVID Sunglow. She seemed to have puked up a rat from like 4 or 5 days ago. The temps are 83 low end and 98 hot side, so we are kind of lost words on trying to up with an idea on a realistic factor on why this happened. The only thought is it was a bad rat. The rat was frozen bought from Coby out LA. Coby has always had the best price and cleanest rodents, so there a cause for concern that maybe its something els. I was going to upload a video of the rat, but ill save your dinner. Basically, it was a slug covered in a little hair and a lot of bones.... Most times with us, if a snake is going to puke, it will do so with in 48 hours at the most! This rat was down for 100+ nice and warm hours. We grow even more scared because in our personal opinion, after that much times passes, there shouldn't have been as much of the bones left over. We are Freaking out over here. We have Dr White, the best vet in the USA hands down, and if someone thinks different we will debate on another post....if our boa continues any type of stuff like this, then its checkup time....