FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Alejandro17
Thread: Bad Guy Alejandro17
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Old 01-18-2012, 12:24 PM   #8
Originally Posted by bobtard View Post
Wow, you insult the BOI, and tell them off, and then want their help?
I don't want help I am warning people. I never sold a dieing animal I had questionable pictures and was dealing with people who wanted to be rude and smartass's not actually talk so yeah I was bothered I think anyone would have been.

But back to the point I am not sure if he only post on chameleon forums or if he has sold on here also. I do not care what people may think of me but I am just giving out my personal experience with him and want to warn any other buyers to buy from him. Just because you don't like me doesn't mean I can't meet bad sellers and I thought it would be the right thing to do to warn others. You can continue to bash me and avoid the subject of Alejandro17's actions.

For his real name it is Alex (last name unknown) and he is located in San Leandro his # is 510-695-3660. I am just recommending he is someone to avoid when dealing with chameleons. He always tries to sell is sick chams off once they take a down turn with him.