FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Virginia Alert: SB477
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Old 01-21-2012, 03:33 AM   #20
Originally Posted by salottimc View Post
Comparatively, there are over 1000 dog bites reported in Virginia every year and 5 fatalities between 2000 and 2005 (http://www.bornfreeusa.org/database/...dent.php?id=70). I'm trying to find more recent data on dog fatalities.
I'm too tired to read all that and calculate the big picture but just some quick math based on numbers you have clearly posted boids account for aprox 0.0000158% of all deaths a across the US each year. Sounds dangerous to me lol. I'd bet money that you would have a hard time finding anything that is accountable for a lower percentage than that.

0.18% of all deaths happen on the job, so why not ban work?

0.87% are traffic related ban driving?

0.12% of deaths are from food related illness (not including choking victims) so lets ban eating

I think you get the point.i'll read everything tommorrow, and try to supply more ammo.