FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Before/after pics of diamond jungle jag
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Old 02-22-2012, 04:40 PM   #4
I should Clarify myself when I mentioned the sea turtle pattern, that isn't something found on all jags but I have seen it on past pics I've seen of jags but never seen it on a sib. What I'm referring to is if you look at the patten On the head you can see what resembles a sea turtle if you were looking at it from above, the front flippers are connected to the eyes of the snake, the rest should become evident. When I first go her I was skeptical she was a jag an called the seller and he assured me she was a jag and not a sib, he mentioned the head pattern though he didnt use "sea turtle" I seen that term used on the morealia forum describing it on another jag.

I posted th sMe pics on the morealia forum and just about everyone agreed it did look like a jag, im going their word for it since that forum has the most knowledgeable people regarding carpets. I believe after a few more sheds her jag look will come out more obviously. I believe the heavy pattern is from the diamond influence as I have seen similar heavy patterns from other diamond jungle jags.

Of coarse it's possible I'm wrong but I'm banking on that she is a jag based on my own opinion, the breeder and the opinion of everyone that commented on the morealia forum.
Thanks for your thoughts though.