FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Beware of Jerry Kruse
Thread: Bad Guy Beware of Jerry Kruse
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Old 03-04-2012, 07:53 PM   #332
Greetings all,
My name is Andy Kaminski.
About a year and change ago when I got into Z's I went to Jerry's website and saw that he would not sell to CA residents. I also saw that I could have Zonata's if I got a non commercial permit.
So dumb me figured I could easily get a permit (which I did btw) since I help do wildlife surveys for the state and could buy off Jerry.
Boy was I wrong.
I now know this is not the case and was even misinformed by my issuing agent.
So long story short prior to finding out the law i had exchanged several emails with Jerry.
I even asked if I could send him two payments so I could just use my mad money to which he was totally ok with. I paypaled him the first half then two weeks later sent him the other half through the mail.
Upon receiving the second payment he realized I was a CA resident and promptly refunded my money.
I wasn't trying to get over on him or waste his time but I did waste his time and Jerry I am truly sorry for that.
Jerry could have been a real jerk to me but was very professional and acted like a true gentleman.
He acted nice to me when he clearly had nothing to gain and when no one was looking.

Stu and Jerry I am sorry that you guys are going through this and wish you both well.

On another note,
I live on the Diablo Range in northern CA.
Our micro climates are rather shocking.
There has got to be no less than 25 different climates with in 40 miles of my house.
Heck only a couple will produce our famous SF sourdough bread.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope that it's this rather than ZD.
Thanks for listening.
Andy Kaminski