FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What's your favorite movie of all time?
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Old 06-26-2004, 02:38 PM   #31
movies..... considering I was sucked into the movie theater workers cult in my impressionable teenage years this should be fun.

Musical: independent film called songcatcher, easter parade (to be watched on easter), white christmas (to be watched any time in the 6 months it snows here)

Action: fight club - I only tolerate the blood and violence because of brad pitt's magnificent backside........ the front isn't bad either

Comedy: facetious stuff like waking life or the royal tennenbaums, dogma, mallrats, I suppose chick flicks and romantic comedy falls under this category as well, so yeah, all those ones that I have to watch alone or with girlfriends. oh and 80s flicks by John whatshisname

sports: bull durham, and in a distant second jerry maguire

Drama/everything else: ocean's 11 (new and old versions), well made black and whites, ....

As for reading material, I like most of ray bradbury's stuff, used to be addicted to grisham, but not as much anymore. Too much technical reading for school has really soured me. *sigh*
