FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Pennsylvania state law issues
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Old 03-12-2012, 05:50 PM   #43
Wow, I can't believe I'm going to actually contemplate on agreeing with Gary here, at least partially. And Chad, if you read this I don't want to hear about it. LOL.

I to think that is a great idea to find ways to both support and educate the public in any way in your local community. I have a strong belief in reptile education, and since 1987 have taken every chance I can to educate many people including children, adults, the elderly, area businesses and so forth about both native and exotic species of reptiles.

I educate about captive breeding programs, so that animals are not taken from the wild, so that wildlife habitat is saved not destroyed. About some of the bad myths and bad raps that these animals have gotten and endured over the years. The importance of responsible reptile ownership.

Lets face it, it doesn't matter if you are a hobbyist, a breeder, a full time business, or what your involvement in the reptile industry is, if you are the one behind the table making that sale, or the one in front of the computer making that web sale, RESPONSIBILITY starts with you. It is the quality of the product you are selling, your service, and your instructions and advice that you give to your customer (that next person in the chain) that is SOME of how the reptile world is received.

As far as carrying your animals around town, that can go both ways as Gary has stated. I can remember back in 1990 after just starting to get into many boa projects, I had an amazing normal boa about 6 foot long. I loved nothing more then to take him out and put him around my neck and walk around town. I to had many on lookers and much support from local businesses, even had a local pizza shop that g to mad when we didn't come around. BUT there was a day where I was approached by a plain clothes detective, who stopped me to talk about a complaint they had received no more then 10 minutes before. It was from a little old lady on the complete opposite side of the street, who was petrified more then anyone I think I have ever seen.

It was after that incident, that I do sorta now agree with Gary, I put that lady in a position where she was forced to be i that situation. I now choose to educate by offering educational seminars in a controlled environment where people can choose to be there.

Just some thoughts, and sorry for rambling