FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bill Cagle
Thread: Bill Cagle
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Old 06-29-2004, 01:13 AM   #68
ok if you can possibly explain to me exactly how im being untactfull here i would greatly apreciate it. i dont find my self being out of line ive been reading the boi for a long time and ive seen people get slamed alot harder for alot less . and here we have bill and either people want to turn thier heads and ignore it or treat him with kid gloves
1. the guy blatantly misrepresents animals on a regular basis
2. he blatantly renames animals purchased from others and makes up history for them that is totaly false
3. offers a 100% satisfaction garuntee on his animals until someone actually wants thier money back then he conviently changes it to 48 hours
and the list goes on and on and you imply im being untactful? well i dont think i am but if i was is this a person who deserves tact and respect? this is someone who deserves to be tared and feathered and run right out of the reptile comunity before he divises a new scheme to defraud people im sorry if im coming across a bit harsh but hey im a new yorker lol i see it like this every time a person like hime does something like this it makes it that much harder for you and me to sell our animals please dont take this the wrong way dave i have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your animals and this is not intened to be harsh twoards you . once again im sorry if i've offended anyone
john peraza
"cungle" free since 1970