FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - More legislation in PA
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Old 04-25-2012, 09:25 PM   #43
Lair of Dragons
Ok, after reading what PIJAC sent to you it seems they are only going after the non-indigenous that are required to have a permit to own....you do not need a permit to own a reptiles in PA.
Last year I applied for a permit to own a monkey and was denied because I was not grandfathered in before they past the law to have a permit to own exotics. But if I had a USDA permit I could qualify for the permit. They may be trying to stop issuing of a permit to own weather you have proper docs or not.
I re-applied today for my propagation permit and nothing was said about it and they know I breed and sell reptiles.

Someone need to post a conversation with Fish and Wildlife asking them about the law.....I will call them back tomorrow and see if I can pry any info out of them....see what they know.
Lair of Dragons