FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Brandon Griffey
Thread: Bad Guy Brandon Griffey
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Old 05-05-2012, 10:58 AM   #49
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
There is something called comparative fault, where the fault is apportioned between the parties. That might be a useful tool here. Certainly there is stress associated with being shipped (remember it is not just flight time, there is the boxing up, taking to the airport, etc.) and then being breed right away.

Your position would have been stronger had you quarantined which is a basic husbandry procedure.
Reading the story, I am just struck by the fact that it seems obscure that one doesn't understand that buying an animal is a RISK. You can buy one and later it dies of cancer..should we go after the breeder for "Mother Nature's" mistakes?

I spent over 1K on a gorgeous female "odd" Pastel, only to have her die 6 months later of a systemic infection, which I believe was from the deep puncture bites/burns that had healed on her...but as I had had her for SIX months in quarantine and she was finally eating...I got the necropsy and let the matter go (after complaining to Harald). I could not tell if the stress had been a factor in the infection taking over, because I had had her for a while. She might have lived to a ripe old age in her original owner's hands...who knows?

But, I'm rambling...the point is, if the snake did have a health issue that wasn't something that was a result of the breeder's care, how far are breeders to go in making customers happy, especially customers that aren't following quarantine procedures and are creating additional stress on the animal?