FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Witblits dragons - true patternless beardies
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Old 05-27-2012, 06:27 PM   #196

There was never anything wrong with the silverback.It was too early to tell on everything. I am putting your post on the BOI you should stop trying to avoid it.
Jay, Josh said himself that the Silverback had a black spot! You can see the black spot on the pic. That is clear as daylight. Didn't you already place it on the BOI?

Could you not request another copy of the pathology report? How long is a specimen viable for testing when preserved in formalin?
Rachel I tried to get the report from them on Saturday. They should have a copy of it somewhere in their system but without a reference number they couldn't trace it.

Fresh samples in formalin is viable for years. What is important though is that the sample is fresh. A rotten putrefied sample will be preserved as rotten and putrefied. Histopathology on these samples will not reveal anything. It is also very important to place small samples in the formalin. Placing a whole dragon in formalin would not work, even if fresh. By the time the formalin has soaked into the dragon the 'insides' would already be rotten. Thus with large dragons place the individual organs in the formalin or pieces thereof. With a small dragon you can cut open the belly an jaw and drop the whole thing in formalin. Try to cut open section of the gut so the formalin fills it.

I think I we will get better answers from the zoo pathologist. She only works with wildlife/exotic/zoo animals. The other pathologists that I sent the first sample to deal with animals and humans on a mass level.

I am looking forward to my trip to the city on Tuesday!