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Old 05-29-2012, 06:57 PM   #84
Originally Posted by rcpreis3 View Post
Lemme try to break down the genetics so i understand.

A Platty Daddy Ball python is the same in aspect to the Hypo Motley Boa. In which if u breed either one to a normal of the respective species, you absolutely will not hit a combo. You will receive Lessers and Het Daddys; and Hypos and Motleys.

(Just a side note, didnt the OG breeder try to cover up the Hypo Motleys not producing combos when bred to a normal?)

Correct me if im wrong.

Now, from what I understand, you take Het Daddys and breed them to a HG Woma and you have a chance to produce a Soul sucker. Do Het Daddys and HG Womas have a super form or are they dominant? Now if u breed a Lesser to a HG Woma you should only get Lesser HG Womas, right? No Soul Suckers possible? How can you tell the difference between a Woma and a HG Woma?

And where did Joe receive his HG Woma from?

Has Joe ever produced a Soul Sucker? Not a combo, just a Soul Sucker.

But I agree alot of information has been held back on certain morphs and combos that the breeder obviously knew about and just didnt want to share. Not accusing anyone, just stating things I've noticed over the few years I've been in. Its just really hard to trust people in this industry I guess...

Oh another side note, you guys all need to calm down and atleast try to make coherent sentences. Your either typing too fast, your drunk, or you can't type, which makes it really hard for us to understand what the hell is going on. Lets all take a deep breath and make this as easy as possible.
heres my breakdown of whats going on:

a platinum is basically the same as a crystal. when u breed a crystal to a classic ull get 50% mojos and 50% specials- both are totally normal inc dom genes like the pastel, the hg woma, the phantom etc. the only difference is that specials and het daddys are really subtile morphs and u really need to have a bit of experience to say whats what (of course not when u used a platty or a crystal as breeder).

so- platty x normal= 50% lessers (normal lessers) and 50% het daddys. when u now breed a lesser, a platinum, or a super lesser to a het daddy u make more platties again.

breed a het daddy to a normal and 50% are het daddys again- i think ralph and a few others have found visual makers, cause ralph wrote once in his birthing record pages that he picked up a bush baby because it "had the look"- in the end it proved out to be a het daddy.

it doesnt matter which BEL complex gene u use- het BEL x het daddy will make a new alleic combo like the potions, the lucys etc. when u use lessers/ butters ull get platties. using the mojave ull get the mojo daddy and using phantoms ull get phantom 44s. these combos are all lighter then normal (just like the platty) and can easily be picked apart in a clutch.

so its a totally normal inc dom gene. the only specialty is that the platty has probably 3 different homozygous forms- but thats nothing new- the clark line albino retics for example have three different homozygous versions too (the white, the lavender and the purple).

now- breed a platty to a clown and ull get 50% lesser het clown and 50% het daddys het clown.

use a hg woma and ull get 50% soulsuckers and 50% hg womas het daddy.

hope this clears that a bit- if someone wants he can copy this text and send it to rdr

as far as the hg woma/ woma thing goes:

to me its clear that the hg woma has nothing to do with the other woma. the combos are totally different. woma combos often look a lot like spider combos. a lesser woma looks similar to a lesserbee without the white sides. so its clear that theyre different. as far as i know womas are dominant also (have no visual different homozygous phenotype).

the hg woma has the pearl as superform which proves em inc dom (i use inc dom insteadt of co dom because this is actually the correct term- co dom describes something completely different but is still used a lot).

if the infernos have granite in em- i dont know cause i never worked with anything hg woma containing- they clearly look like they have granite influence though- but i dont know if only the hg woma can do this too- again- cause i never worked with em.

on the other hand do i remember that kevin once mentioned something like when granite and hg woma meet they magically mingle and become a new unseperatable gene. im not genetic scientist but have a bit of knowledge in this field and honestly i never heard something like this.

to me its clear that u need an hg woma to make a soulsucker- to me its also clear that there isnt something like a hg lesser.

the hg woma to me doesnt have any hidden genes- its a very cool but still normal inc dom pattern gene like the spotnose, the het red axanthic, etc etc

its just reacts cool with the lesser- just like the ghi reacts cool with the mojave or the fire with the vanilla (although theyre probably an allelic combo).

i can understand that kevin got these snakes and thought they were the same (which indicates that the first hg woma clearly didnt looked like the ones we are used to now, cause i think its pretty easy to tell hg womas and normal womas apart- but after 10 years of selective breeding for flames, dots and pattern its probably no wonder- the kahl coral albinos clearly look different then the normal albinos). when the hg woma react so crazy with the lesser he thought this one must have something hidden- a hidden gene. thats from what ive understood out of the rr shows, the interviews the videos etc etc

i think today the name is just missleading.

this is of course just what i think right now based on the research ive done till now. that doesnt mean that i could think something different in a year