FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Messed up a feed...
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Old 06-10-2012, 02:41 AM   #1
Messed up a feed...

My poor girl. (Cinnie ball) I gave her a rat that was just barely small enough for her, and it was really skittish besides - my mistake. There was a 10 second battle and it took her multiple attempts to wrap up the rat. The rat had blood in his mouth when it was over, I think she got bitten a few times. (there was a lot of tumbling and I misplaced my forceps - by the time I was ready to go in and help, she'd already gotten a handle on things).

She's not big, probably just under 300g. I left her alone and she finished the rat and is now digesting.

Here's my question: should I pester her and disinfect the wounds? Or leave her alone to digest?

(I understand this is my fault. I've tried f/t and f/k - she really needs a rat to run around to show any interest and she completely doesn't buy the rat dance. She needs smaller meals in the future and that's all there is to it, but this was the closest my supplier had to the right size and would be for a few weeks)