FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Messed up a feed...
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Old 06-10-2012, 10:07 AM   #5
Randy F
It was probably from the rat. I see that a lot when I feed live. They are having their insides squeezed and that is a release for the blood of ruptured organs. When a rat bites a snake there will be little blood unless it is a large rat with big teeth and it gets a good deep bite, but that will be on the snake and tank not in the rats mouth. If your snake does get a wound just clean it the best you can and put neosporin on it. Put in a clean tub with moist paper towels so nothing can infect it. After a couple of days it should be ready to go back into a regular tub with bedding. I have seen a wound that would need stiches if it was one of us and this method took care of it to where it was hard to find the scar.